Whether you are new to Genesis Medical Associates, or if we have had the pleasure of serving you over the years, we would like you to be aware of our financial policies. Providing high quality medical care to you and your family is a matter of personal satisfaction for each one of our physicians. When you or your family member needs medical care, we are happy to take care of your needs. When you utilize our services, you are responsible for the costs incurred. Understanding our financial policies is an essential element of your care and treatment. If you have any questions regarding our policy, please feel free to discuss them with our staff.
Please understand, as health care providers, our relationship is primarily with you, not your insurance company. As a courtesy and convenience, we will file claims for all of our patients. We cannot, however, bill your insurance company unless you give us current, accurate insurance information. You can help us by:
If you do not pay your required payment at time of service (relating to the office visit or co-payment), you will be charged an additional billing fee of $5.00 each time you have an office visit.
Genesis performs many of the patient blood tests in its federal and state approved physician office laboratory and bills insurance companies on your behalf. If an insurance company determines that the blood test performed was not “medically necessary”, then you, the patient, are responsible for payment of the service.
Genesis Medical Associates currently contracts with a number of health plan carriers. Though we submit claims to these contracted carriers, you are responsible for a co-payment, coinsurance or deductible amount at the time you receive services, according to the terms of your health plan contract. Patients are expected to pay their co-payment and/or any patient responsibility office visit payment at time of service.
If provided adequate billing information and if we participate/contract with your commercial carrier, we will send your claim to the commercial insurance carrier. We will allow 60 days for the insurance to pay the claim. After that time, we will require payment from you. If your insurance company pays you directly, you are responsible for paying Genesis.
Genesis Medical Associates accepts Medicare assignment. If there is a Medicare supplement insurance policy, Genesis will file your claims as a courtesy to you. You are responsible for any deductibles and/or co-insurance amounts not paid by Medicare or supplemental insurance coverage.
Genesis Medical Associates will file to your employer’s Work Comp Carrier when provided with adequate billing information. Genesis will need the name of the Carrier, the date of injury and the claim number in order to do so. You will receive a bill if we do not have all the required information. Please contact our billing office as soon as you obtain the information so that a claim may be filed.
You are responsible for full payment of charges at the time of service. All charges must be paid unless you have a signed payment plan.
Patients enrolled in these types of plans are responsible for the payment of the deductible for treatment and services received.
METHODS OF PAYMENT We accept cash, checks, VISA and MasterCard. We do not accept post-dated checks, nor will we hold checks for any length of time. Genesis will charge a $35.00 billing fee for all returned checks.